March 26, 2015

Warm Clothes for Cold Weather

I think we're over due for a post; but, for good reason...I've been busy sewing!  So, what have I been up to recently?  For starters, in my internship adventures, Sophia, the 1870s wrapper reproduction, trim and all, is *finished* (post pending) and I have moved onto a new, equally-exciting project.  (Though to be quite honest, few projects will ever rival Sophia.)  Taking another look at my spring sewing list, I made great progress with the clothes for the Sugaring Festival and my Cinderella costume is starting, very slowly, to take shape.  Historical Sew Monthly projects and an entire, new wardrobe for the upcoming museum season are on my mind to conquer next!  

However, for the present, I am focusing on warm clothes for cold weather (just look at that snow fall out there!) and the Genesee Country Museum's Annual Maple Sugar Festival.  Last weekend marked the start of the festival and I was so pleased to be a part of the serving staff at Hosmer's Inn again.  For the day, Hosmer's became an 1850s restaurant, serving chili, loaded baked potatoes, pickles on sticks, hot drinks and a variety of tea cakes.  Saturday and Sunday passed in a blink of an eye, with plenty of giggles and grins of course, and I am so looking forward to doing it all again this coming weekend - March 28th & 29th.  Hope to see you there!

According to my spring sewing list, I had five "to-dos" on the list for Sugaring.  How many did I actually complete?  Well...

1)  Repair undergarments - check!  Three petticoats, including my red flannel one, needed some repair from a rather rough cleaning after Yuletide...oops.

2) Replace button with ties on apron - check!  After a few snips here and some sewing there, we have an apron with a brand-new look.

3) Striped work petticoat - check!  Completely hand sewn.  Though it may not look like much on its own, over my red flannel petticoat, it poofs like no other!  Plus, it's fun to flash as I do like the look of other's mid-century working impressions with their dresses looped up into aprons.

36" in length.  Around 120" in circumference.

Hand sewn button hole!

4) Hand-quilted hood - I cut out the brim pieces...okay, not even close.  To the UFO pile it goes!

5) 1850s wool sacque jacket - while the jacket itself is finished and wearable, more or less, the finishing touches are still being worked on (more on this later).  Combination of hand stitching and machine quilting.  Picture time!

Sacque jacket front.  Eventually, I plan to add a collar and buttons in contrasting fabric.

Sacque jacket front inside with machine quilted lining.
Sacque jacket back.

Close up of the sleeve interior.
I learned a nifty, neato trick for setting in sleeve linings!

Too many projects, too little time - it's back to sewing for me.  Thanks for reading!


  1. Oh I love all of your clothes for cold weather! The quilted inside of the sacque jacket looks so toasty warm! I really like the colors of your skirt...they are so beautiful and remind me of hot chocolate and s'mores!!! Wonderfully done my dear!

    1. Thank you so much, Gina!! You always write the sweetest comments - and I just smile whenever I read them! Anneliese :)


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