The beautiful models of the Regency fashion show! (Photograph courtesy of R. Bickford) |
That weekend has been a favorite of mine for as long as I can remember, and getting to work it for a second time was quite a pleasure! In fact, I was having so much fun that the thought of taking pictures completely escaped my mind. Though, all thanks to my good friend & weekend companion, Rhonda (the village dressmaker & seamstress extraordinaire that I keep mentioning), who diligently snapped photos all weekend, we have pictures! Thank you so much for letting me share your pictures, Rhonda!
Look, it's Lydia Fast of Regency bonnet making fame! (Photograph courtesy of R. Bickford) |
Two millineresses, perhaps discussing the latest trends in bonnet fashion. (Photograph courtesy of R. Bickford) |
Opening day of 1812 weekend! The first sights I saw walking into the village square that morning were parts of a military encampment, shops lining the green & ladies strolling in their morning finery - I felt transported back to the 1810s. Rhonda was the first friend I came across, and I'm pretty sure I squealed in delight after taking in her newly-made, Regency attire. Wearing her gorgeous "little white Regency dress," a chemisette and cap of the finest cottons, and silk bonnet, she looked as if she had just stepped out of a fashion plate!
Rhonda & Sara conversing on the porch at MacKay. (Photography courtesy of R. Bickford) |
Although it was technically my day off, I was so happy to be one of the Hosmer Inn staff for the day! I donned my working class attire - refashioned short gown, linen bodiced petticoat, pocket, check apron, a new, printed neckerchief, and my favorite quilted sunbonnet - just for the occasion.
There, we served hot meals to reenactors and interpreters from 10 in the morning until 2 in the afternoon. Refreshing lemonade, ham with fresh rhubarb sauce, baked beans, honey glazed parsnips, salmagundi, bread with cheese slices and bread pudding with plenty of plump raisins were on the menu. Plenty of scotch marmalade and pickled condiments - Irish pickles, radish seed pods, beets and crab apples - were also available, yummy!
Inside Hosmer's Inn (Photograph courtesy of R. Bickford) |
Best of all, I got to work the day with my museum twin, Ariana (otherwise known as "Thing 2") AND meet and serve some of the loveliest people, including a new friend, Ava Stiles, and her family. I also met (and fangirled over) Katie Lovely!
Later that evening, I was even able to take part in some of the after-hours festivities for the first time, thanks to my weekend companion, Rhonda! There was a gathering on the MacKay porch and following punch party at Hosmers - so much fun! We floated around, chatted with reenactors, and I even slipped behind the bar to visit with Ariana & Mary, my two museum and bartending buddies!
MacKay porch - someone must have said something funny (Photography courtesy of R. Bickford) |
Sunday, June 14, 2015
The second day of 1812 weekend! I was scheduled to work the outdoor games at Thomson Tavern, or "Officer Headquarters" for the weekend. With all of the festivities happening on the square, I decided to move the games to the wide open space in the front yard of Brooks Grove Church. The children and I were having fun with the stilts, hoops and graces, until the downpour in the early afternoon.
For the rest of the afternoon, it continued to rain, so, instead of playing outdoor games, I was tasked with various odd jobs and relieving interpreters for breaks as a "village wanderer." I quickly discovered it was not a day for a dress with a train...During the worst of the storm, I ducked into the tailor shop for cover, and I am so happy that I did because, there, I met Kitty Calash and the three resident tailors (a whole lot of fangirling may or may not have happened)! She was very generous with her time and expertise, explaining differences between tailoring and dressmaking techniques (thimbles, stitches, etc.) to another visitor, Rin, and I. She even demonstrated an alternate, quicker method than the "catch stitch" for tacking the interlining of vest to the fashion fabric.
Outside Burnley & Trowbridge's popular tent. (Photograph courtesy of R. Bickford) |
Last, but not least, plenty of shopping occurred! (As did my friends handing me their credit cards to shop for them...let's just say, they are now the proud owners of lots of pretty fabrics!) One of my favorite shops, Burnley and Trowbridge, was there, as well as Regency Revisited - so I made sure to stock up!
A few of my recent purchases. |
Also, thanks to Ava, I am now the proud owner of a Samantha McCarty dress - squee!! Her 1812 Border Print Gown was always a favorite of mine. As soon as the rain stopped, I immediately changed, and singing, dancing & silliness ensued with Ariana!
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Posing for pictures. (Photograph via facebook) |
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Silliness. (Photograph via facebook) |
Close up of the sari print. |
All in all, a fabulous weekend, leaving me looking forward to the next time! Thanks for reading :)
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