For 2023, two phrases have stood out to me - the first, being the intention to "establish balance" in my life; and the second came through a tarot card reading in the beginning hours of New Years, which predicted me "rejoining society." Whether you believe in the cards, fortune-telling, and fate - or not - this struck a chord within, so I'm running with it. Those of you closest with me, know that I've struggled with work-life balance for years; and anyone who works non-profit or for living history museums knows of the 60-80 hour work weeks we pull on the regular. So obviously, finding balance there will be central to living out my intention this year, but there are other areas to balance as well. Including my social life - which leads me to the second part, and my hopes in a return to society that will mean more time spent with family, friends, (maybe dating again haha), going to costuming events, pursing professional opportunities, and even just traveling for fun. I'll be interested to see where this year will take me, and what I'll have to say in review at this time, next year.
I believe I've rambled enough for one night, so I'll leave you with this question: what intentions or words will you be living by in 2023?
Thanks for reading - and cheers to 2023, may we make every minute count!
A truly amazing year!