"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..."
~ Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You'll Go!
Greetings & Salutations!
My name is Anneliese.
I blogged throughout junior and senior year, documenting my every day experiences as a high school student and costuming experiments. I was certain that theatrical costume design would be in my future, and it may still be, but for sure I am hoping to combine my two passions - history & its clothing - into a career. Currently a costume intern and seasonal historical interpreter, I am transitioning forward with this blog as my new sewing journal.
At least for the next year, I will be further exploring my passions as the costuming intern at the
Genesee Country Villiage & Museum, a 19th-century living history museum and local treasure, before jumping into full-time college. There, I am constantly improving my sewing skills and increasing my appreciation for the past, present & future of handcrafting. I have so many fond childhood memories at this museum, and, now, having the chance to learn from the best at my favorite place, is such a blessing. Each day, I am learning so much and loving every minute of interning & interpreting history!
Why blog? For me, connecting with and following other bloggers is an amazing source of inspiration! I have a deep appreciation for the talents of others and I hope that someday my historical costumes will be half as beautiful as theirs' are.
What will you find here? For sure I plan to share my costume plans, progresses, successes and failures. Sewing to me is a journey, and with each project, I am continuing to grow as a seamstress.
I will be documenting my internship dress project (much more on this to come!) and updating with what I am experiencing out in the village. (One day every week I am in costuming working on my dress project, the other day I am around the village learning about 19th century crafts - dyeing, spinning, weaving, interpreting, etc.)
Hands-on experience with the 19th century dyeing process -
Fustic (dyes a golden yellow) on the left & Brazilwood (dyes a bright red) on the right. |
I will also be keeping a record of my personal sewing projects - mostly historical and theatrical, but occasionally modern - as well as including past projects to share my progress and growth. I am very excited for where these ambitious ideas will take me - future comments, suggestions and/or follows are always greatly appreciated on this adventure!
Thank you for stopping by,
"Oh the places you'll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won. And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all.”
~ Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Hi Anneliese!! This is me waving to you! I am excited for this new blog!!! Yah!!
Gina! I'm so happy you found me again - thanks for sticking through all of my blog switcheroos!!
DeleteAnneliese :)