March 14, 2021

Two Roads Diverged: Taking a Hiatus

 "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both"
- Robert Frost

Upon graduation, I found myself searching - for a job, for an affordable apartment (still looking), for a sign, a direction, or just about anything with the ongoing pandemic.  It wasn't long and I found myself blessed with not just one, but two full-time job offers.  For the first, I had gone through the lengthy interview process, and the second came to me rather unexpectedly.  I found myself like the traveler at two roads diverged, facing two paths, both with opportunities to apply my degree and interests in separate, yet equally rewarding ways.

And readers, I made my choice.  I have accepted a full-time position in museum management, with responsibilities for overseeing and developing interpretive programming, special and after-hours events, and other collaborative efforts.  I have also decided to remain a part-time team member at a retailer of crafts and fabrics, where the most rewarding duty is helping customers plan and procure the supplies for their sewing projects.  In addition to occasionally cashiering and stocking, working at the fabric cutting counter (where you're most likely to find me) has allowed me to apply my love of fabrics (and enabling fabric buying for projects or stash-building haha) and teaching sewing on the daily.  

So while I haven't had the time or space to work on my own projects (everything is still in boxes from my move), I have found within the retail job, a much needed creative outlet, filling the void left by my lack of present artistic practice.  That said, I am now working two jobs - one fulltime plus, and the other part-time (and physically, quite the workout!).  In millennial speak - the hustle is real - trying to dodge burnout with 60 hour work weeks, and still hoping to afford a place of my own, eventually.  However,  I think I'm learning how to do this "adult" thing...

That said, there is a cost to this path I am choosing.  For most part, I will be placing the "sewphisticate" on hold.  So when updates on my blog and social media become scarce - they are not abandoned, only on hiatus.  (Please note that for now, my Patreon will still be active, and any potential changes to services there will be announced.)  

Thank you for your continued support, and if you see me out and about - either at the museum or in the fabric store - please say hello!

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