December 29, 2014

100 Dresses towards a Happier Holiday

Merry Christmas, dearest readers!  This is the season of joy and thankfulness, of gift-giving and greetings, of making merry and high holiday spirits!

Festive ribbon, bows & wrappings!

I had planned to write this post on Christmas Day; however, I've been busy spending quality time with the family - the best gift of all!  Luckily, there are twelve days of, Happy 5th day of Christmas!  And, as Kris Kringle in Miracle on 34th Street (1947) said, "Christmas isn't just a day, it's a frame of mind."

This Advent & Christmas Day seemed different than the Christmases before as the stresses of growing up and of growing more apart were settling in to stay - which only made indulging in our favorite family traditions more meaningful.  We had so much fun unwinding from the busyness of the outside world and reveling in each other's company.  And, of course, we watched Christmas movies, like It's a Wonderful LifeWhite Christmas & Miracle on 24th Street, for the gazillionth time, pulled out mom's collection of The Night Before Christmas books (she must have nearly 40 copies now), and baked dozens of different kinds of Christmas cookies.

We also have a tradition of sending out Christmas cards to family and friends alike, so, without further ado, allow me to share my story of 100 dresses:

(1950s vintage card via:

The idea all started with a single dress...

Which then became 100 later...

Hoping to spread a little holiday cheer to family, coworkers & friends alike, I made Christmas-themed 1950s dress cards!  Quite befitting a costuming intern I thought :)

First, I cut dozens of 5" by 5" squares from scrapbooking paper.

From candy cane stripes...

To Christmas plaids, hearts & polka dots...

To gingerbread, peppermints & snowmen...

And holly berries, twinkling lights & more!

Then, I folded dresses while listening to Christmas music for a week.  (Follow this fantastic Origami Dress Tutorial to fold your own 1950s cocktail dress!)

Front & Back Views of Origami Dress.

And, armed with a thin sharpie marker, glue sticks and double sided tape, I assembled all of the Christmas cards and envelopes.  (These dresses fit perfectly on the A2 cards and envelopes I found at Jo-Anns in packages of 50 each).

With hand-written holiday greetings & warm winter wishes, I sealed the cards and sent them off to everyone!  (After making so many cards, I joked that if I ever opened my own card business, I would name it "Sewphisticated Designs: A Dress for Every Occasion")

And here is yours!

Thank you for reading & I hope you have the Happiest of Holidays!


  1. Very cool, what a great effort, and I'll definitely be making one :)

    1. Thanks, Kura! I hope you do make some cause they're sure a lot of fun - I can see them being perfect for weddings, birthdays, summer picnics & really just about any occasion!

  2.!!! These are beyond fabulous!! I am so jealous of your friends and co workers!!! What a charming idea you came up with!! You are just too sweet and talented for words!!

    1. Aww thank you so much, Gina!! *smiles smiles smiles* I was looking for a holiday something appropriate for the friends I work with at the museum! I hope everyone liked their cards!


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